I have known this girl for almost 16 years now.... Wow!!! I can't believe it has been that long, and I can't believe we are getting that old! :) I have been blessed to have such a wonderful friend in my life. Graduations, jobs, weddings, babies... we have just about been through everything together. It brings me so much joy to see you so happy. You are a wonderful friend, mother & wife. I am grateful for all the years and memories we have shared and look forward to many more with you and your beautiful family. Thank you for all your support through the years and in life's little moments!

Gorgeous pictures, Karen! Sis, you and the family look awesome-Karen did such a great job capturing your spirits-what a gift she has! I would love to order a couple of these-let me know how to go about it! They are FANTASTIC!!! Love you-me
Karen, the pictures of Vonda's Family are GREAT! You did an awesome job. Good luck in your new adventure.
Love, Gma Vonda
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