A Classic...

Just one of my father in laws pride and joys!!
A 1964 Corvette... she's a beauty, and fun to ride in too!

My Little Puddle Jumper

We woke up one morning to the sun shinning after it had been raining all night. It was a perfect opportunity to get out and jump in some puddles... and of course my 2 year old son loved this idea. Trying to jump higher and higher to make a bigger splash, he finally called it a day!!

A Generation of Love...

Ok, this one is very special to me. We have always talked about doing generation pictures and finally went through with it. Again it was a bit of a challenge with so many small ones and myself in some of the photos, but well worth the hard work and frustration.
My grandmother on my mothers side has been sick for quite sometime now. Even though the kids didn't want to cooperate we enjoyed every minute and will have a memory that will last a lifetime. My family has been my inspiration to capture all those silly little moments that seem to pass us by so quickly.

My love for Black & Whites

There is just something about black & white photos that I love... just playing around the house with my neices, nephews and only son at the time; we had so much fun! My 1st experience with black & whites, trying to remember what I have been told and keeping it simple for the kids I was working up a sweat!! With a little help we wrangled the little ones enough to get a few good shots. I do believe the best ones are the ones caught on a whim (or a miracle when your the one taking the photos!! :)

Little Miss Madelyn

Ahhh, what can I say she was such a joy to photograph. Still a little wobbly and learning to walk we had fun trying to get the shot before she plopped over! She was so adorable, how could you not fall in love with those big blue eyes... wishing you great adventures as you make your 1st little steps into a great new world of possibilities!

Valentines Day

Playing with natural light... I love it when he is in the mood to ham it up!! Sometimes he is such and angel.

Apple Hill

Apple hill in the fall, our last outing before winter. The orchards were beautiful. The colors were deep and rich, we had so much fun finding all the nook and cranny shoppes...... and mmmmm all the yummy pies! We couldn't have asked for a better day.